Meet Shai
Shai described his life as going downhill. He started selling drugs as a teen and hanging out on the streets with the wrong crowd. High school wasn’t for him, so he dropped out. Then Shai got arrested.
Shai described his life as going downhill. He started selling drugs as a teen and hanging out on the streets with the wrong crowd. High school wasn’t for him, so he dropped out. Then Shai got arrested.
Ready for a change, Shai learned about JEVS from his Grandpop. He traveled from Georgia up to Philly to enroll in Project WOW, which is designed to re-engage out-of-school youth and help them create a path with career and personal growth goals leading to self-sufficiency. Shai was impressed by the number of students graduating from the program, so he fully dedicated himself to the GED prep coursework and job training classes. He felt empowered and never missed a day of school.
Shai says he loves Project WOW and credits the staff and fellow classmates for changing his life “for the better.” He’s happy with the new Shai—getting an education, a trade, a new direction—and now excitedly refers to himself as a carpenter. Upon completing the program, he wants to build on his newfound skills at JEVS’ career college, Orleans Tech. Shai wants to make his family proud. He dreams of moving back to Georgia to work in his Dad’s business, helping him to fix up homes.