Meet Ashton, a vibrant and active 25 year-old. Concerned for his future, Ashton’s mother wondered if he would be able to work, would someone hire him with Down syndrome?
Meet Ashton, a vibrant and active 25 year-old. Concerned for his future, Ashton’s mother wondered if he would be able to work, would someone hire him with Down syndrome?
Karen Johns, Ashton's mother
JEVS hireAbility offers empowering, customized employment programs to assist individuals living with a disability or chronic disease by preparing them for competitive employment and community integration.
Through the JEVS hireAbility program, and with the support of his job coaches, Ashton is currently employed at his local Wawa convenience store.
Ashton continues to thrive, taking pride in the accomplishments that come with being employed. He is known and supported by his community, and continues to learn new job skills that will take him into the future.
Watch this video and get to know Ashton: