We want you to succeed in your job search. So we pulled these resources together to help you prepare for the various stage of applying to JEVS, including tips to perform well during the interview.
> Read our Job Search Advice articles
> Contact our Education & Career programs if you need to build your skills or would benefit from career counseling
From our HR Department – Interview Like a Pro!
Be yourself
- We want to know what makes you tick. We believe your skills are a match, now we want to get to know you. Be authentic, confident, and candid!
Be honest
- Don’t make up information. It is ok to not know an answer but be resourceful! Tell us how you would go about getting the answer.
Know who we are
- Our team has done their homework; we know the details of your work history, and we agree that you could be a great addition to the team. All we ask is that you know who we are too!
Be on time!
- Nothing makes a worse first impression than arriving later than expected.
Dress for success
- Hot outside? Coming straight from an appointment? Doesn’t matter – arrive to your interview appropriately dressed…no matter what.
Be positive
- Don’t dwell on negative experiences during your interview. Think of positive ways to frame potentially negative answers and never bash your former employer!
Ask questions
- Hiring is a two way street. Compensation and benefits are important, but come prepared with questions that will help you better understand the position and how it might align with your career goals and development.