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The Choice is Yours

The Choice is Yours (TCY) is an innovative diversion program for first-time, nonviolent felony drug offenders facing one to two year prison sentences.  Upon successful completion, the program offers graduates the opportunity to have their criminal records expunged, removing the stigma of a criminal record.

TCY is operated in partnership with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office (DA), Municipal Court and the Defender Association of Philadelphia (PD).   

Graduate Guillermo Soto is pictured above (right center) with Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams (left center), President Judge Marsha Neifield (right) and Program Director Nigel Bowe (left)


  • One-on-one case management
  • Individualized service plans
  • Access to skills training and basic education services
  • Job search and job placement assistance
  • Community service placements


Eligibility is determined by the District Attorney’s Office; participants must be referred by the District Attorney’s Office.


There is no cost for those who qualify.


123 S. Broad Street, 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19109


Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm


TEL: 267-238-3959
EMAIL: [email protected] 

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